Presentation (English)



The building in brick and coloured ceramics has always been used for educational purposes. Originally an elementary school founded in 1891 and then in 1956 it became an industrial college teaching printing and publication.

The school included typographers, printers, book binders and guilders. In 1963 drawing classes from a neighbouring school were moved to 5 rue Madame. Then in the 1980’s the primary school classes were removed to 42, rue Madame and the college took on its present vocation. Drawing, model making and composition were added to the existing courses.

From 1985 the college started looking for a name, suggestions included :

  • Geoffroy Tory, printer, grammarian and typographer.
  • Cassandre, a poster maker and typographer.
  • Francis Thibaudeau, a typographer.
  • Maximilien-Vox, an artist, engraver, illustrator, journalist, author, historian of typography and publicity and teacher.

The final choice was Maximilien-Vox who symbolized perfectly the spirit of book making and graphic arts.

Who was Maximilien-Vox ?

Engraver, artist, illustrator, editor, journalist, art critic, historian of letters and typography, his work and works covered the development of books and publishing during the first two thirds of the 20th Century.

He edited literary collections, created magazines such as Micromégas and Caractère, designed posters and published numerous articles relating to the arts of bookmaking, and developed a method for classifying characters which and still is the only one recognized by the International Typographical Association.

In 1952 he created Les rencontres internationals de Lure as a forum for ideas regarding typography, printing and publicity.

As both theoretician and practitioner, Vox remains a symbol of unity in both bookmaking and the graphic arts. He was above all a skilled teacher and educationalist, having taught at the “Ecole du Louvre” and at he “Ecole des Beaux Arts”.



Situated in an exceptional area close to the heart of Saint-Germain des Prés, our school is dedicated to the Applied Arts, design and graphics, including work base teaching.

Science and Technology of Applied Arts and Design (STD2A)

A preparatory studies course for those going on to further education in Art and Design.
Teaching encourages students to undertake practical experiment to help them understand the complexities of Art and Design. Students are taught basic techniques and are encouraged to acquire the ability to use these to interpret concepts.

Graphic Design

An important investment by the Paris council means that Maximilien-Vox has been provided with well equipped studios and workshops.
Teaching combines both traditional techniques and recent technological innovations allowing a wide range of studies in preparation for further education.
Our main aim is to help students succeed and choose a future career direction. We aim to encourage enthusiasm, curiosity, analysis and hard work the keys to success.

Graphic Production

This course is aimed at model makers and computerized publication assistants, for the graphic arts such as publishers. These trades create page layouts and images ready for publication (books, magazines, brochures etc…).They need to be able to communicate, organize and produce projects as part of a team. Students will learn to use programs such as Xpress, Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Dynastrip.

Academic teaching is closely associated with the work environment students are required to participate in work placement for a total of twenty-two weeks over three years. This is supervised both by tutors at the work placement and from within the College throughout this period.

BAC (Applied Training)

This qualification is intended for the printing trade – the reproduction of texts and images on paper (newspapers, books and posters). The course includes computer controlled printing, for both offset and numeric processes. The use of a four-colored press requires attention, competences and a sense of responsibility.

The world of printing is a most dynamic job requiring team working. Printing is the last and most important stage in the production of a document.

The course teaches both traditional printing (offset, heliogragh and flexogragh) and also modern methods (computerized printing). Students are required to understand the whole graphic process in order to be able to discuss and advise a client.

Academic teaching is closely associated with the work environment. Students need to participate in work placement for a total of twenty-two weeks over three years. This is supervised both by tutors at the work placement and from within the College throughout this period.


Downloads : ECTS | Incoming students handbook | Bachelor degree presentation


Event design : a multidisciplinary approach

At the crossroads of architecture, design and communication, the DNMADE in event design is multidisciplinary. With their cross-disciplinary skills, our students are asked to promote a brand in a place through a micro-architecture, a volume, a showcase, an exhibition. The contexts of creation are diverse : cultural or commercial events, trade shows, festivals, product launches, …

Event designers develop projects for companies, start-ups, institutions, organisations or associations, whether commercial, institutional, cultural or humanitarian. Design projects encompass various sectors of activity such as culture, environment, social, food, transport, health, cosmetics, fashion, technology, energy, leisure, etc.


A 3 years Curriculum

Our 3 years curriculum leads to the  DNMADe (Diplôme National des Métiers d’Art et du Design), it is a level 6 EQF diploma (European Qualification Framework).


Work environment

Students have access to a connected workspace and a workshop equipped with a 3D printer, a laser cutter, a plotter and all the tools needed for model-making.


Teaching method

The training is project-oriented and emphasizes eco-responsible approaches. It combines reflexive approach, hand working and mastery of digital tools. Teaching is provided within a small group of students (20-25 students in each class) which allows individualized follow-up. Teamwork is also encouraged, specially when concrete projects are carried out in partnership with public institutions or private companies.

These design classes are accompanied by cross-disciplinary and general education : literature, philosophy, history of art and design, visual art, technology and materials studies, 3D modeling, English, economics and law.

The training is progressive, from learning the basic tools to acquiring the project approach.


Teaching hours, classes and ects

Teaching hours per week: approximately 30 hours.

Classes weekly hours ECTS
Humanity 2 7
History of art, design and techniques 2
Visual art 2 10
Technology and materials studies 2
Digital tools, 3D modeling 2
English language 2
Economics and law 2
Techniques and know-how 2 12
Design project practice 8
Project’s communication and mediation 1
Research approach related to the project’s practice 1
Professional development and further study 1 1

Our DNMADe program is divided in 2 parallel courses. Our students are trained in mastering communication through ephemeral communication spaces and volumes :

  • The course of ephemeral communication spaces provides training for future designers specialized in exhibition stands, stage design, event spaces, museum scenography, retail design, pop-up stores, corners, concept stores (…) in cultural, commercial or institutional environment.
  • The course of ephemeral communication volumes provides training for future designers specialised in the creation of displays, signage, street marketing actions and animations, advertising at the point of sale, visual merchandising, retail design and shop window design (…) in cultural, commercial or institutional environment.


Job openings :

  • Designer of retail spaces
  • Stand designer
  • POS and commercial displays designer
  • Set designer for cultural events
  • project manager
  • Cultural mediation
  • Artistic director
  • Teaching and research


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Good analytical skills, creativity, innovation, but also a general and artistic culture, international openness, curiosity and the ability to listen. It also requires basic knowledge of  “product marketing” and communication, and an ability to identify signs and trends.
This section is deliberately oriented partnerships with businesses. Teamwork and international trade are also encouraged.

Contact / Access

In order to find us please contact:

Lycée Technologique Maximilien Vox
Arts Appliqués, Design de Communication et Industries Graphiques
5 rue Madame, 75006 Paris

or our annexe: 85 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris

Tel. : 033 145 497 878

Email :

How to get there

By underground:

  • Line 4 : Stations Saint-Germain-des Prés ou Saint-Sulpice
  • Line 10 : Mabillon ou Sèvres-Babylone
  • Line 12 : Sèvres-Babylone

By Bus :

  • Bus N° 39, 48, 63, 70, 84, 86, 87, 95, 96.

Do not hesitate to visit our Open days in February!